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The In Memory of Mustafa Saeed Rahman School: A Testament to One Humanity and Pluralism

In the remote village of Kanh Chheung, nestled in Cambodia's Ratanakiri Province, stands a beacon of hope and unity—the In Memory of Mustafa Saeed Rahman School. This institution, funded by The One Ummah Foundation, is more than just a school; it is a powerful symbol of the shared belief that humanity transcends borders, faiths, and differences. The One Ummah Foundation’s philosophy is rooted in the fact that "We are One Humanity," embracing pluralism and the idea that all religious experiences have an important place in the world. This vision is what led to the construction of School 205, completed in November 2002, offering the children of Kanh Chheung a chance to reach their full potential.

For the village chief, Sapeur Buntear, the school is a manifestation of this philosophy. A 45-year-old leader with seven children, Sapeur understands the importance of education in lifting his community out of poverty. "In the past, the nearest school was 4 kilometers away in the communal town of Poy," he explains. "Now, with this new school in our village, it’s easier for our children to study." Yet, he knows that challenges remain, as some children still stay home. Sapeur continues to appeal to parents at village meetings, urging them to see education as a precious gift that can transform their children’s lives.

His efforts reflect a deeper belief that education is not just a tool for personal success but a way to build bridges between communities. The school, built with the support of a foundation that values pluralism, represents the idea that all children—regardless of their background—deserve the chance to learn and thrive. "My village is poor because there are no educated people," Sapeur says. "Now, we have a new school that will help produce the human resources to develop our village."

The opportunity to study for 12-year-old Char Ang, a first-grade student at the school, represents hope. Orphaned and living with his older sister, who supports them through farming, Char dreams of a different future. "At school, I like studying Khmer literature and English," he shares. "With this knowledge, I can find a good job and build a better life." His desire to become a teacher rather than follow in his parent's footsteps as a farmer reflects his aspiration for something more—a dream made possible by the new school.

The One Ummah Foundation believes that charity and humanity can bridge all differences, whether Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Jew, or agnostic. This philosophy underpins the creation of the school, which serves as a unifying force in a diverse world. By supporting education, The One Ummah Foundation shows that our shared belief in the power of knowledge can lead to a brighter future for all.

The In Memory of Mustafa Saeed Rahman School is not just a building but a testament to the idea that, despite our differences, we are one humanity. Together, we can empower the next generation to achieve their dreams and create a better world.


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