
16 Oct 2017

1 min

Immediate Response to Rohingya Crisis Provides Some Relief

Urgent aid reaches Rohingya refugees, but more support needed

With the support of our partners DAANA, the One Ummah Foundation team on the ground in Bangladesh have brought food, mosquito nets, LED lighters, blankets and other necessities directly to the Rohingya refugees. But more help is needed.

Government-deployed Army personnel assisted the 12-person team from Dhaka with the safe distribution of aid in the three camps of Kutupalong, Modhusora and Gundhum-2. OUF relies on local knowledge and efforts to reach people in need.

More than 500,000 persecuted refugees have fled Myanmar, since the destruction of their villages and violence to their people. This humanitarian crisis requires ongoing aid to provide some of the most basic needs such as food, water, and medical help. Children and expectant mothers are the most vulnerable with malnutrition becoming an increasing concern.

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